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Security Framework

Yahoo! uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption when transmitting certain kinds of information, such as financial services information or payment information. An icon resembling a padlock is displayed on the bottom of most browsers window during SSL transactions that involve credit cards and other forms of payment. Any time Yahoo! asks you for a credit card number on Yahoo! for payment or for verification purposes, it will be SSL encrypted.

The information you provide will be stored securely on Yahoo! servers. Once you choose to store or enter your credit card number on Yahoo!, it will not be displayed back to you in its entirety when you retrieve or edit it in the future. Instead of the entire number, you will only see asterisks and either the first four digits or the last four digits of your number.

The Yahoo! Security Key is an additional optional layer of security to control access to sensitive information or services on Yahoo!. Users of financial services such as Yahoo! Wallet, PayDirect, Yahoo! Bill Pay, and Money Manager are asked to create a security key during the sign-up process or when you purchase certain services that require a Yahoo! Wallet. Please note that the Security Key automatically "times out" after an hour and requires the user to sign in again to access Security Key protected areas.

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