MySQL is a powerful, robust database manager that enables you to store and retrieve data witha scripting language such as PHP. You can store various types of data, such as Boolean operators, text, integers, images, binary digits, and BLOBs (binary large objects) quickly and efficiently with minimal effort. Using a database is important for creating dynamic sites. The term “dynamic site” is derived from being able to utilize a single page of code to display different information based on a user’s interaction. This would be virtually impossible without the use of a database and a scripting language such as PHP to manipulate the data.
MySQL is packed full of features such as data replication, table locking, query limiting, user accounts, multiple databases, persistent connections, and—as of MySQL 5—stored procedures, triggers, and views. These features will be explained in more detail later, but for now you should be aware of some of the benefits you will enjoy from implementing such a great database manager.
MySQL, developed by MySQL AB, originated from a need for the founders to use mSQL to connect to their own fast, low-level (Indexed Sequential Access Method, or ISAM) routines. After testing these procedures and functions, they were found to be neither fast nor flexible enough and so MySQL was born: a new system from almost the same Application Protocol Interface (API) as mSQL, so that any third-party code that might be written for mSQL could easily be ported to MySQL. The mascot for MySQL is the dolphin seen in their logo. Her name is Sakila, and she was given her name from a Name the Dolphin contest held by MySQL.
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